Rose Water

Petalele ma pandesc dupa un pahar de apa rece, suflu si incepe dansul. Femeia e in fiecare petala,
in intregul buchet, peste tot lanul, e plina de culoare, mireasma si spini. E simpla, puternica prin
forta daruirii si naturala, dansul o lasa sa-si respire bucuriile, sa-si dezlantuie abisurile, e linistita,
lasa apa din petale de trandafiri sa-i curga pe trup si pleaca, ea singura ei podoaba.

There are petals hiding over a cold-water glass, looking at me, I blow and the dance commences.
The woman is in each and every petal, in the whole bunch, all over the field, she is colorful, with
her perfume and her thorns. She is simple, powerful with her giving force, the dance lets her
breathe her joys and let her chaos go, she is peaceful, letting the rose water fall down her body,
then she leaves.


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