
Inima nu mai aleargă, și-a domolit pasul, mă lasă să respir adânc. Am ochii larg
deschiși, aștept. Aștept, melancolia mă pândește, speranța mă inundă, feminitatea mă
regăsește și o cuprind. E o lumină în care sufletul începe să vibreze cu orașul. Vremuri
noi, oportunități noi.
Colecția „Orașul-Speranță” e plină de energia unei speranțe, o simt ca pe o colecție
neterminată sau continuă, se derulează constant, în mișcări, în gânduri, în trăiri.

My heart stopped running, it has a slower pace, so I can deeply breathe now. My eyes
are wide open and I wait. I wait, melancholy is stalking me, hope is flooding, feminity is
coming back to me and I embrace it. There is a light where the soul vibrates with the
city. New times, new opportunities.
„City-Hope” is a collection charged with all the energy that hope has to offer. I feel it like
an unfinished or continuous collection, it constantly rolls over, in the ways we move, we
fell, we live.

Melange Collection

Rotund e soarele, rotunda e inima mea. Caut colturile si pare ca le-am pierdut sau s-au ratacit
printre straturile de poplin, matase, buzunare, volane si tulle. Baloane de sapun se alearga spre
Colectia “Melange” este implinirea pe care o simt odata cu trecerea anilor,
impacarea cu toate cate au fost, nerabdarea a ceea ce ma cheama. Curajul si bucuria
The sun is round and so does my heart. I search for the corners and it seems I’ve lost them all
around cotton, silk, pockets, flounces and tulle. Soap balloons are chasing each other towards
the sky. “Melange” is a collection about this personal achievement, about
closure with everything that has been and excitement about the things that will be. The courage
and the joy of this moment.

Fresh meaning with lemons

I opened my eyes and there it was, nature, in the same place, waiting. Freshness slapped my soul, warmed up my sleeping body. My thoughts started to laugh, my lips asked for fruits, my hair started to eagerly mess around. I brought juice to them, fruits. They were shaking. I was happy. The flowers were on the table, looking at us with their infinite patience. Life was watching from the distance, glad to have finally understod its meaning.

Crystal Clear

Suddenly all is clear. No effort, no pain. The light strikes your eyelids and settles on your skin. It comes down smoothly, it storms away, dreams are far and yet so close, it’s written in the sky. There’s nothing left but fly.

Eternity is a second

Eternal love is just a second.
To be forever is kind of a burden.
And then that very second is salvation, a careless, natural, sensation.
It’s yours today, enough, too much, too strong, whereas tomorrow may seem long gone.
You wait, sometimes forever, you look behind and than it seems again, like never ever.

Rose Water

Petalele ma pandesc dupa un pahar de apa rece, suflu si incepe dansul. Femeia e in fiecare petala,
in intregul buchet, peste tot lanul, e plina de culoare, mireasma si spini. E simpla, puternica prin
forta daruirii si naturala, dansul o lasa sa-si respire bucuriile, sa-si dezlantuie abisurile, e linistita,
lasa apa din petale de trandafiri sa-i curga pe trup si pleaca, ea singura ei podoaba.

There are petals hiding over a cold-water glass, looking at me, I blow and the dance commences.
The woman is in each and every petal, in the whole bunch, all over the field, she is colorful, with
her perfume and her thorns. She is simple, powerful with her giving force, the dance lets her
breathe her joys and let her chaos go, she is peaceful, letting the rose water fall down her body,
then she leaves.


Beyond the edge

Apropierea mi-e necesara ca aerul. E atat de fragila, de volatila, imi naste forta, dorinta de a
taia, alatura, a cauta neintrerupt, pana la epuizare acel detaliu care o face lina. Simt tesaturile
ca parte din mine si le tivesc intre ele, le nasc inca o data.
“Beyond the edge/Dincolo de tiv” este colectia prin care invat sa simt emotiile cautarilor si
regasirilor, sa aduc departarile aproape.

I breathe when I feel close. I need this fragile and volatile intimacy, it gives me strength, the
desire to cut, to keep searching until exhaustion sometimes, that one detail which makes
everything smooth. I feel fabrics as part of me and sow them together to give them life again.
“Beyond the edge” is a collection that gives me the chance to feel the emotions of all my
findings and bring the distances closer.