Beyond the edge

Apropierea mi-e necesara ca aerul. E atat de fragila, de volatila, imi naste forta, dorinta de a
taia, alatura, a cauta neintrerupt, pana la epuizare acel detaliu care o face lina. Simt tesaturile
ca parte din mine si le tivesc intre ele, le nasc inca o data.
“Beyond the edge/Dincolo de tiv” este colectia prin care invat sa simt emotiile cautarilor si
regasirilor, sa aduc departarile aproape.

I breathe when I feel close. I need this fragile and volatile intimacy, it gives me strength, the
desire to cut, to keep searching until exhaustion sometimes, that one detail which makes
everything smooth. I feel fabrics as part of me and sow them together to give them life again.
“Beyond the edge” is a collection that gives me the chance to feel the emotions of all my
findings and bring the distances closer.